Abilities Expo 2014

Come see us at the Abilities Expo in Houston, TX

Looking for a chance to see and to touch assistive technology in person? Well the Abilities Expo is the place to be.

The event takes place Friday July 25 through Sunday July 27th. Click the picture above for more details.

I will be at booth 328 with Blue Sky Designs booth promoting their Mount’N Mover – please come by and say hi!

The abilities expo is a great event with many for-profit and non-profit entities showing their wares and educating the public on their services. There is also a full list of workshops and other exhibitions that take place over the weekend.

So here is your opportunity to see assistive techology in action, oh and the best thing is that it is FREE!!! Click here to register and skip the line!

I would also like to let you know about another upcoming event.
The ALS Clinic Conference
This event will take place in Phoenix, AZ. I will be presenting two workshops, one on Home Modifications that do not require a Contractor and another workshop on home automation via mobile devices. The program is geared towards healthcare professionals that work with people with ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease), but any interested party is welcome to attend. CEUs are available for this event. The program will be announced soon, so stay tuned.

I will do another post on any new/cool items I see at the Abilities Expo – stay tuned!



