Fees for evaluation:

  • $2500 – done via remote visit.  This covers all meetings needed to gather all needed info, two way shipping of any trial equipment, and research time to assemble report/quote.  We provide a full evaluation report with recommendations and quote for equipment.  Client will need a computer/mobile device with a camera and a caregiver who can be present to assist during the eval.
    • NCA contact will be kept informed of all scheduled visits and status of case.
    • In person evaluations would incur a travel fee – contact us for quote.

Payment is due in advance of visit.  Payment via check to “ImproveAbility” or Zelle payment to info@improveability.com is preferred.  Credit card payments will incur a 3% fee. 

In order to generate a referral, please complete the following form:

We are happy to discuss cases via phone or email for quick answers (5-10 min.) anytime. For general consulting, we charge $190/hr.  If you have a case that you need assistive technology assistance with that can be done via reviewing recommendations or other general consulting (more than just a quick phone call), this would be our fee for that service. Please contact us requesting follow up communication with regard to consulting cases.